Further Reading

What can I do next?

Here are some links to more content we have created about how to build communications workflows with nodered.

  • Getting Started with Ngrok in Node-RED - While building flows with the Nexmo APIs you’ll often need a way to expose your server to the internet. This either means you’re running a hosted version of Node-RED, or in case you’re developing locally, using a tunneling service like ngrok - get up to speed with this article.

  • How to Send SMS Messages with Node-RED - Find out how to send SMS messages programmatically using the SMS API.

  • How to Receive SMS Messages with Node-RED - Capture the SMS messages sent to your Nexmo number.

  • How to Receive Phone Calls with Node-RED - Learn how to handle inbound calls made to your Nexmo number. By the end of this tutorial you’ll know how to play a text-to-speech message to a caller. If you’d like to take it further, why not forward or record the conversation, or set up your custom voicemail?

  • How to Make Text-to-Speech Phone Calls with Node-RED - Next, you’ll be learning about outbound calls, and by the end of this article, you’ll have made your first text-to-speech (TTS) phone call with Node-RED and the Nexmo Voice API.

  • How to Stream Audio into a Call with Node-RED - It’s always a nice touch to be greeted by a human voice when calling a business, as opposed to the all too well known friendly neighbourhood robot. Find out how to play an audio file to a caller and how to stream audio to the recipient of an outbound call.

  • Build a Conference Call with Node-RED - You’ve already learnt how to make and receive phone calls using the Nexmo Voice API, now it’s time to put the pieces together and build a voice-based conferencing service.

  • Forward a Call via a Voice Proxy - If you’ve ever wondered how you can contact your ride share driver, Airbnb host or courier without knowing their number, or you’re simply interested in making private calls, follow along and find out how this is done!

  • Verify Phone Numbers with Node-RED - In this tutorial, we’ll look at the Nexmo Verify API and explore a handy way of validating your users’ phone numbers.